Sunday, April 4, 2010


As I sat on my porch this Easter morning, wrapped in the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the day, I said a prayer of thanksgiving.
I thanked the Lord for the beauty that surrounds me, for the joyful sounds of the birds singing their melodious tribute to the day. I thanked Him for the wonderful flowers blooming, their resplendent array of color assuring the cycle of life and the resurgence of spring.
Most of my thankfulness was given to Him for the struggles that George and I have shared these long, hard months. Now, that may seem odd to be thankful for, but these times have brought about such an awakening in us. Something I am not sure we'd have ever been privileged to experience otherwise.
The days have been so very hard. At times the darkness seemed to encompass my soul. The fear, the pain, the unknown, all seemed to overwhelm me, wrap me in a dense fabric of despair from which I sometimes felt there was no escape.
But through it all I was learning. Humility, forgiveness, caring, strength, wisdom. All these things I thought I was already on board with took on new meaning.
I thought my heart was as open to my husband as it ever could be, but facing the fear of losing him and becoming his caregiver has expanded that love more than I could ever, ever have hoped for.
God - in His infinite wisdom - placed challenges in my path that allowed me to see George for the truly precious gift He gave me.
Oh, don't get me wrong - there were times when I could have willfully choked "The Commander" (as his friends and co-workers call him) for his actions and non-actions. There is nothing worse than trying to convince a hard-headed German male that something is good for him when he's already made up his mind against it.
We've faced so much together, entwining the fabric of our beings,strengthening the ties that have made us one and holding fast to the belief that we would get through this together. We are genuinely thankful for this special power we have been given.
It has allowed us both to overcome so much.
Yesterday, that special power, that faith, and that love was rewarded with the best of possible results. George's PET scan was clear - he is cancer free!
So, while the world - and I - celebrate the resurrection, the renewal and the hope, George and I are also celebrating Thanksgiving.
I think I'll have some Turkey with my Ham and green beans today :-)!


  1. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'd do cartwheels if I could!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the most wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New life...a resurrection of sorts for George!!! I truly thank God with you!!!! Love, Janine XO

  2. Just told my husband your wonderful news...and now, we are BOTH cheering with you!!!! Love you so much!!! Janine XOXO

  3. Enjoy your your Thanksgiving dinner!
    Such wonderful news about George!
    I know you both are on cloud nine!
    I'm truly happy for the both of you!

    Smiles and hugs!


  4. The best news ever my dear friend.....yay George....oh Quieten he deserves this time so very much. I knew several months ago that you had to go through so very much to come to this point, I even tried to break it too you gently what I didn't know is how you and George would tackle this challenge together and finally come out on top. I am so happy for both of you and your family and Lord forgive me but I feel very proud of you both as well. I am so very happy right now, Happy, happy Easter my dear friend and enjoy your turkey, ham, green beans and whatever else you little hearts desire, you both deserve this wonderful reward.....much love and many hugs......:-)

  5. Such wonderful news! This is a happy time for both of you.
    Enjoy your day!

  6. Thank you so much Janine...I can hear your cheers, but please do not try those cartwheels- I don't want to visit with you while you're waiting for a hip or shoulder to heal *giggle*!!!

  7. Thanks, Margie. The world sure looks pretty from Cloud 9!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful Easter.:-)

  8. We are so blessed, Choices. I'm glad I could share this good news with you.


  9. Bernie,
    I wish I could hug you in person to thank you for all your words of wisdom and support. We had no idea how this would play out- who ever does - but what we have discovered has been truly amazing. I think you knew we'd be ok-even when we couldn't think ok was even possible!
    Wishing you Happy Easter and a wonderful week.
    Love ya

  10. Quieten, I felt your is so good to have a little relief from worry and renewed hope. Back in January, my husband's PET scan brought us good news too. Your post left me smiling and remembering, happy and thankful for you and George, as well as my husband and I. Thanks for the reminder Quieten!

  11. I am so joyful for you and George Quieten! It is proof that our prayers do get answered. I am just tickled for you! Love Di ♥

  12. I'm glad for your blessings! God is wonderful! I'm glad George is on the road to recovery and is regaining his life.

    You are in my prayers in your trek through life.

    Thanks for stopping by my place!


  13. Just stopping by to send you my love! I continue to pray for both you and George as he recovers from all the treatment! Love, Janine XO
